태극 일 장
Revised Romanisation: Taegeuk Il Jang
McCune-Reischauer Romanisation: T’aegŭk Il Chang
Sometimes written: Taeguk Il Jang, Taeguk 1
Movements of Taeguk Il Jang
Taeguk Il Jang has 18 movements.
Form a ready stance towards A.
- Turn to the left and step towards F with the left foot, forming a left walking stance towards F. Block to the low section with the left outer-forearm.
- Step towards F with the right foot, forming a right walking stance towards F. Punch to the body with the right fore-fist.
- Turn to the right and step towards D with the right foot, forming a right walking stance towards D. Block to the low section with the right outer-forearm.
- Step towards D with the left foot, forming a left walking stance towards D. Punch to the body with the left fore-fist.
- Turn to the left and step towards A with the left foot, forming a left forward stance towards A. Block to the low section with the left outer-forearm.
- Punch to the body with the right fore-fist.
- Turn to the right and step towards C with the right foot, forming a right walking stance towards C. Execute an inward block to the mid section with the left outer-forearm.
- Step towards C with the left foot, forming a left walking stance towards C. Punch to the body with the right fore-fist.
- Turn to the left and step towards G with the left foot, forming a left walking stance towards G. Execute an inward block to the mid section with the right outer-forearm.
- Step towards G with the right foot, forming a right walking stance towards G. Punch to the body with the left fore-fist.
- Turn to the right and step towards A with the right foot, forming a right forward stance towards A. Block to the low section with the right outer-forearm.
- Punch to the body with the left fore-fist.
- Turn to the left and step towards H with the left foot, forming a left walking stance towards H. Block to the high section with the left outer-forearm.
- Execute a front kick with the right foot, then lower the right foot, forming a right walking stance towards H. Punch to the body with the right fore-fist.
- Turn to the right and step towards B with the right foot, forming a right walking stance towards B. Block to the high section with the right outer-forearm.
- Execute a front kick with the left foot, then lower the left foot, forming a left walking stance towards B. Punch to the body with the left fore-fist.
- Turn to the right and step towards E with the left foot, forming a left forward stance towards E. Block to the low section with the left outer-forearm.
- Step towards E with the right foot, forming a right forward stance towards E. Punch to the body with the right fore-fist.
Turn to the left and move the left foot to the right foot, forming a ready stance towards A.
More information

You can find more information on this topic in the book Taegeuk Taekwondo: Foundation Syllabus, which is a handbook for colour belt students who are training in Taegeuk Taekwondo (WT Taekwondo). It contains movement descriptions, floor diagrams, and relevant Korean terminology for all of the colour belt patterns.