In Taekwondo classes, instructions are usually given in Korean. Below are some of the Korean words and phrases that you are likely to hear in a typical Taekwondo class, along with the hangeul, romanisation in the Revised System of Romanisation, and an approximate pronunciation.
English | Korean | Approximate Pronunciation |
‘Attention!’, ‘Stand to attention!’ | 차려 charyeo | cha-ryoh |
‘Bow.’ | 경례 gyeongnye | kyong-yeh |
‘Bow to the instructor.’ | 사범님께 경례 sabeomnimkke gyeongnye |
sa-bom-neem-keh kyong-yeh |
‘Prepare.’, ‘Get ready.’ | 준비 junbi | choon-bee |
‘Begin.’, ‘Start.’, ‘Go.’ | 시작 shijak | shee-jak |
‘Stop.’ | 그만 geuman | ku-man |
‘As you were.’, ‘Return to the ready position.’ | 바로 baro | ba-ro |
‘Continue.’ | 계속 gyesok | keh-sok |
‘Dismiss.’ | 해산 haesan | hey-san |
‘Turn to the rear.’, ‘Turn around.’ | 뒤로 돌아 dwiro dora | dwee-roh doh-ra |
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Want to learn more?

If you'd like to learn more about the Korean terminology used in Taekwondo, consider buying this book: Taekwondo Terminology. It contains an extensive dictionary of terms used in Taekwondo, as well as explanations on how to pronounce Korean words, and aspects of Korean grammar.